Regular Dentistry
Mostly we advice our patients to have regular checkups every half year, unless the dentist has advised otherwise.
During the checkup the dentist will check your entire dental health. Among others, the dentist will check for cavities, dental plaque, and tartar. The dentist will remove any tartar that may have formed. During a checkup, it is possible that a preventive x-ray is needed to check for cavities between teeth.
Additionally, and if needed, the dentist will discuss the optimal dental care plan in order to make or keep your mouth healthy.
Once a year, during the checkup, your dentist will measure the space between your teeth and gums and will look at the overall hygiene. This is called the “ periodieke parodontale screening’’ (in short PPS). Based on the findings, the dentist may refer you to our prevention-assistant or dental hygienist. The parodontale screening is based on guidelines which have been formed by a commission existing of the NvvP, ANT, NVM, ACTA and insurance companies.
Regular checkups are therefore important in order to keep your teeth and gums healthy, and discover potential problems in time. It is better to prevent a problem in the first place, then to solve one.
Make sure you don’t miss the checkups!
If a part of your tooth or molar is lost or affected by dental decay (caries), the dentist will place a filling. In consultation with the dentist the tooth will be filled, with or without anesthesia, with white composite to match your natural tooth colour. Placing a filling will prevent the tooth from causing additional pain, discomfort, and further problems.
If a large part of the tooth or molar has been lost, it is no longer possible to fill it with white composite. The possibilities in such cases are either a dental crown or a bridge. Which of these solutions are most fitting to your situation will be discussed with the dentist, during a consultation. In the process of making the crown or bridge, it is possible to use a dental scanner which is the newest method that replaces dental impressions with an impression tray.
Dental Crowns
An artificial piece that fits the chipped tooth and closely resembles the lost tooth or molar. A crown provides support and protection to the rest of the original tooth or molar. The crown is placed after the decayed part of the tooth is completely removed and polished. In some cases, a crown can be made due to esthetic reasons, for example when there is discoloration.
Multiple dental crowns and a levitating part in between (dummy) where the tooth or teeth have dental decay.
In order to provide you with a clear idea of the costs, you will always first receive the estimated costs from us. The price depends on the kind of crown or bridge that is best suited for you, which is discussed together with the dentist. Different insurance companies cover a different amount of the costs; please refer to your insurance policy to find the amount covered by your insurance company.
Tooth decay, a fall, or leaking fillings can lead to an infection of the nerves in your teeth. This can lead to toothaches. Such an infection does not disappear by itself, and has to be treated. A root canal treatment means cleaning the nerves of the infected tooth.
A root canal treatment is a delicate job. The amount of time necessary for a treatment differs per tooth. It could be that the treatment is not entirely finished after one appointment, and that you have to come back. During your treatment it is very likely you will not experience any discomfort. The dentist will numb your tooth prior to treating it.
After the treatment you might experience some after-pain. During the root canal treatment, a disinfectant will be used to clean the canals and they will be filled. This might lead to irritation of the tooth which causes these after-pains. This can last five to seven days. This pain can be repressed by painkillers. In some cases, the dentist will provide you with a prescription. If the pain continues after seven days, please contact us.
Een wortelkanaalbehandeling is een secuur werkje. Hoeveel tijd er nodig is voor een behandeling verschilt per tand of kies. Het kan zijn dat het niet altijd lukt om de behandeling in één keer af te ronden. Tegenwoordig zal u meestal niets van de behandeling voelen. Van tevoren zal de tandarts de kies of tand verdoven.
U kunt na de behandeling napijn ervaren. Tijdens de wortelkanaalbehandeling wordt er gespoeld met een ontsmettingsmiddel en worden de kanalen gevuld met een vulmateriaal. Hierdoor kan de tand of kies geïrriteerd raken, wat voor napijn kan zorgen. Dit kan vijf tot zeven dagen duren. U kunt deze pijn goed onderdrukken met pijnstillers. Soms zal de tandarts u een recept voorschrijven. Mocht u na zeven dagen nog last hebben, neem dan contact met ons op.
In some cases, it is necessary to extract a tooth, molar or a root leftover. The dentist will provide a proper explanation of the procedure, the effects of it and will discuss what the alternatives are for the extracted tooth or molar.
In case you have (prescription) medication, it is advised to contact your dentist prior to (any) treatment.
Would you like additional information about the treatments? For extensive information please refer to our website. Of course, you can also ask our practitioners any questions regarding treatments.
Shining white teeth
Did you know that most searches within the oral care field are related to whitening teeth? At De Polders you are at the right place to have your teeth whitened. The whitening is performed by the Zoom! Method by Philips.
The way Philips Zoom! Works has been scientifically tested and found to be safe. If you would like additional information about whitening and if it fits you, please contact us.
In order to reduce or completely remedy snoring, our practitioners at De Polders could put anti-snoring braces in place. This brace is a kind of prosthetic that can be slid over the teeth and pushes the lower jaw forward during sleep. The brace prevents your tongue, larynx or hood and soft palate from closing the airways while sleeping. As a result, there are no more breathing stops and you also do not snore much or much less.
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